
Our company offers the following survey services:

Loading surveys:

  1. Hold inspection (in port of loading) in order to ascertain of the possibility of safe cargo carriage.
  2. Cargo tally during the loading (cargo quantity checking) in a couple with cargo visual inspection and loading supervision of cargo condition.
  3. Cargo separation supervision/control.
  4. Weight and marking checking (more than 0.2% of quantity).
  5. Pulp temperature measuing.
  6. Actual stowage plan drawing.
  7. Loading supervision.
  8. Hatch/hold sealing.
  9. Daily reports.

Discharging surveys:

  1. Hatch/hold sealing inspection.
  2. Cargo tally during the discharging. Including cargo quantity checking, cargo visual inspection and supervision of cargo perations.
  3. Cargo sorting control in the ship’s holds (the separation of damaged cargo is performed as well).
  4. Product pulp temperature measurement both onboard and while trucks loading (not less than 1 time per 0.5 hr.
  5. Discharging supervision.
  6. Security services.
  7. Daily reports.

Our company able to take responsibility for cargo shortage in case of the relevant survey contract conditions agreed with the Customer.

Container discharging surveys:

  1. Visual inspection of the container for any damage, unservicability or traces of unauthorised access to the cargo.
  2. Photos of container, seal and doors before the unsealing.
  3. Container unsealing inspection.
  4. Visual inspection of cargo, cargo and marking photos.
  5. Inspection reports.

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